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Please be protective of your child and other children by not sending your child to school if he/she exhibits any of the following signs of illness:  fever above 100 degrees, diarrhea, vomiting.  Any child with a temperature must be kept at home a full 24 hours without symptoms before returning to school.

Communicable Disease – If a child develops chickenpox, mumps, measles, strep throat, or “pink eye”, your child must have a doctor’s statement stating the child is not contagious and may return to school. Students diagnosed with strep should not return to school until at least 24 hours after beginning antibiotic therapy and being fever free.

Lice - If your child should become infested with head lice, it is the policy of the district that he/she may return to school after treatment. A student’s absence will only be excused for three days following an infestation.

**Should your child become ill at school, you will be called to come and take him/her home.  Please make sure we have correct telephone numbers where you can be reached in case of illness or accident.  Parents should designate someone who can pick up a sick child, if they are unable to be reached. If your child is injured at school, we will make him/her comfortable and then call you immediately.  If you cannot be reached, we will attempt to contact the emergency numbers that are listed on the student’s location card.  When emergency medical attention is needed we will call 911.**